Sunday 1 September 2013

Oatcake For your kids!!!

Oatcake is a type of pancake that looks like meal, but with some recipes you can make it for your kids with their kind of fruits that they like , but when i made mine for my son, i made it with his favorite fruits. though adult is also free to taste :-)

 Recipes  - banana sweetens the oatcakes so ensure that you use very ripe but firm bananas for this recipe.
As with all kids recipes, feel free to add various ingredients that your kids love and skip the ones they do not like.
1 measuring tablespoon oats
2 measuring tablespoons plain flour (Any type)
1 banana
½ a carrot
A handful green peas
A small amount of dense sausage (korv in Swedish language  makara in Finnish language )
¼ glass of whole milk
1 egg
Unsalted butter (for frying)

Grind the oat with a dry blender, add the plain flour and mix, whisk the egg very well, add the milk to the mixed egg, add the oat/flour together with it, add the green peas, carrot ,sausage and banana
, put a small portion of butter to a hot fry pan, and put the paste in the pan depend on the size you want for your kid, fry and serve!

At the same time your are preparing a healthy meal for the kids !!

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