Wednesday 18 September 2013

Are there any food i shouldn't eat during pregnancy ?

This is most frequent ask question by  mothers, especially if it is the first pregnancy, i often think that way also during my pregnancy period, there are so many food that one should avoid not because of the mother but for the safety of the baby . but this where the tips i knew i avoided during min!

Raw seafood,  Shark, swordfish or marlin. These fish contain unsafe levels of naturally occurring mercury. Tuna contains some mercury too, so it's best you don't eat more than four medium-sized cans, or two fresh tuna steaks per week.
Don't eat liver and liver products (Edo or liver sausage), because they may contain large amounts of the retinol form of vitamin A. Too much of this could be harmful to your developing baby.
You should stop or cut down on drinking alcohol during pregnancy, too. If you want to drink during your pregnancy, don’t drink more than one or two units of alcohol, once or twice a week, and don't get drunk.
It's best not to have more than 200mg of caffeine a day. That’s two mugs of instant coffee or four cups of tea or five cans of cola a day.
Starchy foods, such as potatoes and bread, are an important part of your diet, but try not to over-cook or over-bake them. When starchy food is fried, baked, roasted or grilled at high temperatures a natural chemical, called acrylamide, forms.
 Can i go on Diet?
I remembered i heard this crazy idea before my pregnancy that i will go on diet , but afterwards i was pregnant and i still feel i can continue since i had lost my appetite it doesn't  not make a difference, but this is my advice for any expectant mother who feels this way-
Dieting during pregnancy could harm you and your developing baby. Some diets can leave you low on iron, folic acid, and other important vitamins and minerals. Remember, weight gain is one of the most positive signs that you’re having a healthy pregnancy.
So if you're eating fresh, wholesome foods and gaining weight, just relax. You're supposed to be getting bigger!  If you are overweight, you can improve your diet by cutting out foods high in fat and sugar and taking some exercise. However, see your doctor first for advice before changing how much you eat or doing more exercise.
You don't have to give up all your favourite foods just because you're pregnant. But foods and snacks high in fat, salt and sugar shouldn't be the main part of your diet, either.
So as far as snacks are concerned, try a banana rather than a packet of crisps or juice rather than ice cream. But don't feel guilty if you fancy the occasional biscuit. Enjoy every bite!

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