Monday 2 September 2013

Groundnut soup yummy!!!

The first time i taste groundnut soup was in Ghana, i never realize we have such soap  in Nigeria until i got back to ask kitchen professionals :-) ,
Groundnut Soup (Peanut Soup) is next best soup after Egusi Soup. It is prepared the same way as Egusi Soup so you can apply the two methods of preparing Egusi Soup to Groundnut Soup with great results.

with vegetable                                    


500g raw peeled groundnuts (peanuts)
Assorted meat and fish. I use:
Shaki (cow tripe)
Dry fish
Stock fish
Palm Oil
A small bunch of Nigerian Pumpkin leaves or 6 cubes Frozen Spinach or Bitterleaf
2 tablespoons ground crayfish
2 big stock cubes
Salt & ground dry cayenne pepper: to taste

Start cooking the shaki first as it is the toughest meat in the bunch. Always keep water to the same level as the contents of the pot and top it up as you cook.
When the shaki starts to curl, add the dry fish and stockfish.
When the shaki is almost done, add beef and stock cubes and cook till all the meat and fish are well done.
Add the crayfish, salt and pepper, cover and cook till it boils.
Transfer the meat and fish to another pot/container leaving the stock in the pot.
Add the ground groundnuts and stir very well till there are no lumps. Reduce the heat to very low and start cooking.
Stir every 5 minutes and top up the water if necessary. This mixture burns easily so watch it closely and stir as often as necessay.
Cook till a thin film of clear oil appears on the surface. This should take about 15 minutes. Add palm oil and stir very well.
Add the beef and fish, stir and cook on low heat till it boils. For those who prefer their groundnut soup without vegetables, the soup is ready at this time. If you prefer it with vegetables then,
Add the vegetables, stir and leave to simmer. Stir again and it is done.

You can serve with any Nigerian Fufu (yam flour, cassava flour, etc)

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