Tuesday 3 September 2013

How to make "Ojojo" (Nigerian snack)

I don't even know the state that specialize in "Ojojo" in Nigeria but i sure know that the recipe is mostly use by the  "Ijebus" .This is basically a snack that people apparently eat with Eko, weird I know. Personally I think it is fine on its own especially if it is prepared well. I hope you get to try it out and enjoy it as much as I did


3/4 water yam
4 Hot Jamaican Pepper
1/2 Bulb Onion
1 teaspoon of Curry
Cube of Maggi
1/ 2 teaspoon  of Salt
Dry Fish
1 1/2 teaspoon of dry Crayfish
3 teaspoons Dry pepper
 Oil \ olive oil

Dice the onion and hot pepper tiny pieces
Make sure to put the dry fish in hot salted water for 7-10 mins
Shred the fish into tiny pieces
Grate or blend the water yam (If you are going to blend the water yam, blend with the pepper and onions)
Add the diced onion, pepper and fish into the grated water yam and mix thoroughly using a spatula

Add the maggi, dry pepper, crayfish, salt and also a little bit of curry to taste
Heat up the olive oil in a deep fryer under medium to low heat
Scoop the water yam into little balls and place in the hot oil
Allow to fry for 7-10 minutes (Tip: when frying anything once the bubbles around it reduces then it is almost done)
Serve hot!

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