Sunday 1 September 2013

Afang Soup for the weekend !!

Afang soup was the first soup i tried outside yoruba soup, Afang Soup is of Nigerian origin a much-celebrated recipe from the efik  ethnic group in the southern part of Nigeria –and often served at ceremonial occasions such as weddings, child birth and to honored guests. It has spread its wings throughout Nigeria as of today and has been embraced in neighboring countries

The first time i tried afang soup i used a different recipes from what people really use , if you are leaving outside Nigeria you can also use a different recipes and still get the same taste of the soup. Okazi leaves is the main receipe that i always look for then i can mix any other 
  Okazi leaves are not available in major super markets.  So,  if  you are  living abroad you can locate   these leaves  in most African stores and even online.  Swap the water leaves  (if you are in Nigeria water leaf is available every where it is also called GURE ) for spinach it would not hurt . The other ingredients crayfish, palm oil, meat can be found in most Asian or grocery  stores depending on your city. 
Afang soup is generally eaten with pounded yam or any sort of fufu or eba and is best served warm, 

 Ingredient -
1-2 pounds of meat(tripe, cowskin, meat)
½ medium onion chopped
2 maggie cubes
½ pound smoked fish
½ cup crayfish
1-2 cups of red oil
5 cups okazi leaves
6 cups fresh waterleaves(I used spinach)
salt and pepper to taste
Cooking Direction Soak the dried okazi leaves for about 10 minutes or more , wash and drain the water. In medium –sized sauce pan boil meat, season with salt, pepper, and Maggie, and onions until tender (approximately 20-40 minutes depending on the choice of meat). You can shorten this process in half by using a pressure cooker. Reserve the stock Boil the cow skin and tripe together or you may do so separately until tender. Drain the water from the cow skin, and tripe In a large pot combine all the meat and smoked fish with about 1- 2 cups of the stock If using smoked fish, pick out the bones and cut it chunks, add to the pot of meat. Cook for about 3-5 minutes
Pulse the okazi leaves in a blender or food processor with a little bit of water to make it pliable.
Repeat the same process with the chopped fresh spinach. Stir in the oil, Maggie and crayfish. Cover and let it simmer for a couple of minutes -3-5 , Add the okazi leaves to the pot, stir, then include the spinach.
Mix everything together and let it simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. Adjust for seasonings salt, pepper, and Maggie

 Cut down on the oil if you are health conscious. I have made this soup before with only ½ a cup of oil and it still tasted delicious
Feel free to blend one okra with the spinach if you like 

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