Friday 20 September 2013

How to eat Healthy!!!

I don't like to put a tag on my advice, its based on scientific research,  not ethics, religion or a preconceived notion of what a healthy diet should be like.This type of diet is proven to work better than the low-fat diet currently recommended by health authorities all around the world.

What to Avoid (food that make you fat&sick) 
Sugar: Added sugar is addictive, highly fattening and a leading cause of diseases like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Grains: Avoid grains if you need to lose weight, including bread and pasta.Gluten grains  are the worst , Healthier grains like rice and oats are fine if you don’t need to lose weight.
Seed- And Vegetable Oils: Soybean oil, corn oil and some others. These are processed fats with a high amount of Omega-6 fatty acids, which are harmful in excess
Artificial Sweeteners: Despite being calorie free, observational studies show a massive correlation with obesity and related diseases
“Diet” and “Low-Fat” Products: Most of these “health foods” aren't healthy at all. They tend to be highly processed and loaded with sugar or artificial sweeteners. Agave syrup is just as bad as sugar.

How to eat healthy (foods that make you feel great!)?
Healthy FoodsYou should eat natural, unprocessed foods that humans are genetically adapted to eating. Research shows that such foods are great for health
Meat: Beef, lamb, pork, chicken, etc. Humans have eaten meat for hundreds of thousands of years. Unprocessed meat is good for you, especially if the animals ate natural foods (like beef from grass-fed cows).
Fish: Fish is great. Very healthy, fulfilling and rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients. You should eat fish (preferably fatty fish like salmon) every week.
Eggs: Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet. The yolk is the most nutritious and healthiest part. Omega-3 eggs are best.
Vegetables: Contain fiber and many nutrients that are essential for the human body. Eat vegetables every day.
Fruit: Increase variety, taste good, are easy to prepare and rich in fiber and Vitamin C. They’re still pretty high in sugar, so eat in moderation if you need to lose weight.
Potatoes: Root vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes are healthy, but they’re still high in carbs. Eat in moderation if you need to lose weight.
Fats and Oils: Olive oil, butter, etc. Choose saturated fats for high-heat cooking like pan frying, they are more stable in the heat.
What to Drink?
Coffee: Coffee is healthy and very rich in antioxidants, but people who are sensitive to caffeine should avoid it. Avoid coffee late in the day because it can ruin your sleep.
Tea: Tea is healthy, rich in antioxidants and has a lot less caffeine than coffee.
Water: You should drink water throughout the day and especially around workouts. No reason to drink a whole ton though, thirst is a pretty reliable indicator of your need.
Simple rule: Don’t drink calories.!!!!!

How many Carbohydrates per day?
You can use these numbers as a guideline:

10-20 grams per day: Very low, can’t eat any carbs except low-carb vegetables. Appropriate if you have a lot of weight to lose or if you have diabetes and/or the metabolic syndrome.

20-50 grams per day: If you need to lose weight fast. You can eat quite a bit of vegetables and one piece of fruit per day.

50-150 grams per day: If you want to achieve optimal health and lower your risk of lifestyle-related disease. There is room for several fruit per day and even a little bit of healthy starches like potatoes and rice.

You might get this result!!!!

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