Monday 23 September 2013

How to make suya spice!!

When I uploaded my 'Nigerian Suya video', from instagram, ( Here ) the question from my friends was:  I can't buy suya spice where I live, how can I make it? But the requests for suya spice recipe kept pouring in and am thinking about how many people would be able to enjoy Suya in their own homes, I was challenged to find out how to make this special suya pepper !

How to Make Suya Spice 
All these recipe have to be complete so as to feel the overall flavor of your suya spice!
5 tablespoons crushed Kuli Kuli (110g) (Hausa nut)
5 tablespoons ginger powder (75g)
2 tablespoons cayenne pepper flakes (6g)
10 strands of African Negro Pepper known as Uda in Igbo
1 small stock cube (4g)
½ teaspoon salt

What you need
Crushing tools
Plastic bowls
Spice/Coffee grinder
Before you make the Suya Spice
Crush the Kuli Kuli with a mortar and pestle or put in a plastic bag and crush with a blunt object. Kuli Kuli usually comes in different shapes and sizes and this crushing makes it easy for you to measure it and blend it in the dry mill or coffee grinder.
Crush the dry cayenne pepper in a mortar or any other rough container till the skin separates from the seeds. You don't need to pound it. When done, put in a flat tray or plate, so that the flakes will move to one side then pick them out. Later, you can grind the seeds and use them in other Nigerian recipes.
Break the African Negro Pepper into pieces and crush the stock cube.

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl.
Grind in small batches in the dry mill till they turn into powder. Any coffee grinder will do this job very well.
When done, sift the suya spice with a sieve to remove all fibre from the African Negro Pepper and ingredients that did not blend well.
That's all! The suya spice is ready to be used in making Nigerian Suya.
Put the suya spice in plastic bags or containers and store in the freezer. It can last for years and still retain its taste and flavour. But who would want to keep suya spice in the freezer for years anyway? When there are lots of suyas to be made with them! lol!

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