Sunday 27 October 2013

Health benefit of sex in your body

Yes sex, i have heard lots of people say sex is good for blablabla , but i use to ignore it until i start to research about the health benefit of it, even though this blog is a food blog, but i just feel like sharing this topic, since it has to do with health, i discovered that sex is not just two people making love, but it carries health benefits without people noticing it, Want to get healthy and have fun at the same time? Anything that exercises your heart is good for you, including sex. Sexual arousal sends the heart rate higher, and the number of beats per minute reaches its peak during orgasm.
But as with most exercise, it depends how you do it. Some studies show that the average peak heart rate at orgasm is the same as during light exercise, such as walking upstairs. That's not enough to keep most people fit and healthy. according to my findings, adults should do at least 150 minutes (two and a half hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as cycling or fast walking, every week.
Unless you’re lucky enough to have 150 minutes of orgasms a week :-),  try cycling, brisk walking or dancing.
People who have sex feel healthier
It could be that people who feel healthier have more sex, but there seems to be a link between sexual activity and your sense of well-being. A study of 3,000 Americans aged 57-85 showed that those who were having sex rated their general health higher than those who weren't. And it’s not just sex, it's love too. People who were in a close relationship or married were more likely to say they felt in ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’ health than just ‘good’ or ‘poor’. It seems that emotional and social support can boost our sense of well being Having heart disease doesn't have to hold you back in the bedroom. Experts advise that you can usually have sex as long as you can do the everyday activities that have the same impact on your heart without causing chest pain, such as walking up two flights of stairs.
Of course, a healthy sex life can lead to a feeling self-confidence and happiness for both men and women. Feeling good emotionally can lead to greater health benefits. A poor sex life or no sex life can trigger depression or contribute to a person’s negative sense of self. A fulfilling sex life can play a key role in the good health of a steady relationship and the mutual good feeling can help sustain the other health benefits of sex.
Another weird health benefit of an overtly sexual act can improve your smile. That is, teeth have been shown to benefit from semen. Minerals, zinc, and calcium within semen can reduce tooth decay. A healthy set of teeth is just one more benefit that intimacy can safeguard.
Regular intimacy cuddling, hugging, touching along with intercourse can promote mutual healing and provide many health benefits. The fact that intimacy feels good is good for your health. Science has demonstrated that the sense of touch is important to maintain good health. Of course, it is important to take precautions—dangerous sexually-related infections and disease can cancel out the great health benefits of sex. But, as humans are sexual creatures, it should be no surprise that sex (after all risk factors are protected against) is really good for you.

(Source: Rerkpattanapipat P, Stanek MS, MN Kotler. Sex and the heart: what is the role of the cardiologist? European Heart Journal )

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