Wednesday 2 October 2013

Ghanian Shitto! (Ata dudu)

Ghanaian shitto is a sauce mostly eaten by the Ghanaian you can use it to eat rice, yam even barbecue, few Nigerians also eat this, but my husband is obsessed about it, we always buy the ready made sauce at the shop all the time until i took a challenge of knowing what it is made up and i realize its not that hard after all, i sent my mum the recipe since its my first time, so she bought it and send it to me which still make it look like a *ready made* but at least now i know what it is made of and trust me guys you never wanna miss it!
You can make it spicy and hot or mild taste but i prefer it hot, that is the whole idea :-)

1 cup ground red chili pepper (cayenne)
3 cups vegetable oil*
2 cups ground dried shrimp**
2 cups ground smoked herring***
1 1/2 cups onion puree
2 medium-size tomatoes, pureed
1 cup tomato paste
salt to taste
1-2 cubes of Jumbo or Maggi seasoning, preferably shrimp flavor (this is optional!)

How to prepare
Be sure to use a pan with a heavy bottom, so the sauce won't burn.
Add oil to the pan and heat it. Add onion and tomato ingredients and fry the mixture for about 10 minutes, being careful not to burn it. Add the dry ingredients into the pan, stir well, and continue cooking it for an additional 30 minutes. Add salt to taste.
The finished sauce should be a rich dark reddish-brown color and have a thick texture, not at all runny. Some of the oil may separate out and that is fine. When cooled, put the sauce into a clean glass jar and cover. Make sure about half an inch of oil stays on the top, covering the paste. This sauce keeps indefinitely and does not need refrigeration.
You can use any size dried shrimp, tiny to big, and if you buy them already ground it saves time. If you start with whole dried shrimp, grind them finely in a mortar or use a blender/food processor to do it for you.

1 comment:

  1. wow i keep finding interesting topics here, my Ghanaian room-mate taught mi how to eat and make shitto. its so delicious and it can stay for quite a while without going stale.
